Periodontal Treatment

You may have periodontal disease if your gums are swollen, red, sensitive, or bleed easily. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a deteriorating condition brought on by plaque bacteria that build up on teeth. Periodontal disease, if left untreated, can lead to bone, gum, and tooth loss. Although this disease cannot be cured, we can treat it and keep it under control to safeguard your dental health.

Our Process

Periodontal maintenance requires frequent visits to our office, usually once every three months, for a thorough cleaning. To stop the problem from worsening, these treatments entail thorough cleanings above and below the gum line that remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria. Periodontal maintenance is advised every 3 months because periodontal bacteria develop between 3 to 12 weeks if the biofilm is not cleared. We are able to get rid of these bacteria and maintain control by offering a cleaning every 12 weeks.

Our dentist may advise periodontal surgery if your disease is severe. To do this, we make use of lasers and other instruments. The good news is that our periodontal surgery is painless and can be quickly done with local anesthesia.

Visit our dental office if you are having a few or all of these symptoms:

To treat your periodontal disease, our dentist provides a number of treatment options. We will work with you to ensure you get the best possible treatment.

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